- Images are produced within seconds meaning a quicker diagnosis and less wait time for your pet.
- Images can be shared digitally with referral centers, emergency clinics or radiologists if needed
- Less radiation is used meaning a safer environment for your pet and our staff.
- In emergency situations, use the ultrasound to quickly provide life-saving information about internal bleeding or critical damage to important tissues.
- The ultrasound can also be used for targeted sampling or biopsies of abnormal tissues sometimes allowing us to avoid a more invasive surgery.
- Doppler techniques can monitor blood flow through vessels and diseased tissues.
- In emergency situations, use the ultrasound to quickly provide life-saving information about internal bleeding or critical damage to important tissues.
- The ultrasound can also be used for targeted sampling or biopsies of abnormal tissues sometimes allowing us to avoid a more invasive surgery.
- Doppler techniques can monitor blood flow through vessels and diseased tissues.
- Root fractures
- Abscesses (pockets of infection) in the tooth roots or bone
- Resorptive lesions
- Pulp chamber (where the tooth vessel and nerve lives) infection or inflammation
- Jaw Tumors or fractures
- Foreign material in the bone or below the gums (yes, we have found metal foreign bodies in the mouth this way!)
- Bone loss around the tooth roots.